Multiple Perspectives & Persepolis

Multiple perspectives allow for many different view points of a topic, such as poverty in Jamaica. In the world today, social class refers to economic position and social status. To look at the different social classes, it proves that each class looks at poverty in Jamaica much different. For example, the lower or poor class all around the world looks at poverty as relatable. Both have similar living conditions and it's a constant struggle to make ends meet. The middle class seems to be the most reliable for ignoring poverty because they're so consumed in their jobs, family life, and social poll that they forget that there are people who have it worse. For the upper class, they give a little bit of money here and there to just feel good about themselves, but to those affected by poverty, it's a slap in the face because those people only care about their reputation. In the novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, Marji was a middle class citizen of Iran. Throughout the book, she learned that she was very lucky to come from a family that she did. Satrapi's point was to allow the reader to understand the multiple perspectives among people of the world. Marji states that "the reason for [her] shame and for the Revolution was the same: the difference between social classes" (33). Satrapi knew that the social classes defined how you were treated as a person in Iran. With each of the classes, there is a different outlook, but not enough action. The people of Jamaica need the help of those more fortunate! Try to foresee all perspectives to receive more knowledge of poverty in Jamaica.

"Affordable Housing Institute : US." United States. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2013.
Korsmo, John. "Journal of Educational Controversy - Article: Poverty and Class: Discussing the Undiscussible." Journal of Educational Controversy - Article: Poverty and Class: Discussing the Undiscussible. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2013.
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York, NY: Pantheon, 2003. Print.

1 comment:

  1. You see the same type of prejudice in America but it might be deluded due to the amount of people we have in America vs. Jamaica. - Ashley Hobbins
