Importance of Advocating:
Over 19% of the population of Jamaican is under the poverty line. The unemployment rate is 11.5%. Now, these numbers are not significantly large, but what about the people that do fall under these percentages. Since it's such a small number, do they matter? The answer is yes, they do! It's time to start advocating for those few people. Some say, society should focus on bigger problems or issues, but every little bit counts. There is no limit to what could be done for those impoverished in Jamaica. They need the help of those around them. If help assistance is provided, that is one less person with a face of brokeness in this world. In order to prevent this, it is necessary that action be taken.The following links are to organizations whose sole purpose is to help victims of poverty. To learn more, click the following links and see how you can take action and help the cause.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation:
Grameen Foundation:
Progress out of Poverty:
Whole Planet
Whole Planets Foundation's mission is poverty alleviation through microcredit in communities worldwide that supply Whole Foods Market stores with products. Whole Planet Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization established by Whole Foods Market. We provide grants to microfinance institutions that in turn develop and offer microenterprice loan programs, training and other financial services to the self-employed poor.
Whole Planets Foundation's mission is poverty alleviation through microcredit in communities worldwide that supply Whole Foods Market stores with products. Whole Planet Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization established by Whole Foods Market. We provide grants to microfinance institutions that in turn develop and offer microenterprice loan programs, training and other financial services to the self-employed poor.
Food For The Poor:
Foof For The Poor is one of largest international relief organizations in the United States. The Christian ministry serves about 17 countries in the Carribean and Latin America. The organization's programs provide housing, healthcare, education, fresh water, emergency relief and micro-enterprise assistance in addition to feeding hundreds of thousands of people each day.
Red Nose Day:
Red Nose Day unites the entire nation in trying to make a difference to the lives of countless people who are facing terrible injustice or living in desperate poverty.
I love this page! I hink its a great way to get more people involved. Most people say they want to get involved, but dont actually do the research and find ways to help. The list of links is a great way to have viewers and those who want to help, actually get started! I can see that both of you are very passionate about this topic and I think both of you displayed the issue in a way that people can relate.
ReplyDeleteGrace's mom
It's nice that you give us the ability to make a difference. - Amber Hitchcock
ReplyDeleteThese are all great ways to help out such a great cause! Hopefully people will realize from
ReplyDeleteyour blog that Jamaica really does need some help! People need to take a stand right now and start helping out because this is a huge problem. I would love to help and hopefully a lot more will join meee!!!
-Becca H.
When I read your blog, it made me go through many emotions. I fell like I need to do more. I feel happy that we live in a society that can make a difference. I feel sad that these jamaicans have been living in the same rut for many generations. I feel like you 2 have made a difference on how we look at this topic. Thank You - JCH